Sunday, April 25, 2021

The Long, Dark Night Vision Scope of the Soul - Episode 17

Where are those gunshots coming from? What does it mean to be a good guy with a gun? Can Petra help Falk get past this low point? Is Madonna the 2nd biggest criminal in Parabellum City? Find out!

The Long, Dark Night Vision Scope of the Soul, episode 17 of This Gun in My Hand, was sighted-in by Rob Northrup. Visit for credits, notes, information on how to subscribe, and to buy my books, such as Little Heist in the Big Woods and Other Revisionist Atrocities. Who says? This Gun in My Hand!

This episode is also available on Youtube, and in audio formats other than mp3 on

Music and Sound Effects Credits:

The opening and middle transitional music clips were from The Sun Sets at Dawn (1950), and the closing music was from Killer Bait (1949), both films in the public domain. Most of the music and sound effects used in the episode are modified or incomplete versions of the originals.

Emerald Ash Borer’s theme music is
Title: Flight of the Carpenter Bee
By Steven Arntson
License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0

The music during Doberman and Collie ad is a modified version of
Title: Chase Scene
License: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International

Title: Footsteps Dress Shoes Wood Floor.wav
License: Public Domain

Title: Real Colt 45 M1911 (shot)
By Carmelomike
License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0

Title: Walking on pavement.wav
License: Public domain

Title: Traffic mel 1.wav
By malupeeters
License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0

Sound effect title: 38 Caliber Gun Shot 5x
Recorded by Mike Koenig
License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0

Title: Bell 1.wav
License: Public domain 

Gunshot and hoofbeat sounds taken from the public domain film “Lawless Frontier” (1934).

Sound effect title: bustle in the pub
License: Public domain

Title: Medium Dog Growl.wav
License: public domain

Title: barking dog 2
License: public domain

The image associated with this episode is a modified panel from Romantic Confessions, Vol. 2, No. 1, April-May 1951, page 23. Art by Bill Ely. Public domain.

Show Notes:

1. It’s not known whether Petra Wojciehowicz attended the Muncie College of Business Administration at the same time as its most famous alumnus, Norville Barnes.

2. “Hurry, Kato! We’re out to smash a writing racket!” Green Hornet smashed a fraudulent vanity publishing racket in an episode of his radio show. I have it on a CD but unfortunately I can’t find a free copy of it on the web to link to. It might have been called “Chiselling Ryder’s Writer Racket” and might have aired in 1939 or 40.

3. I thought they were rolling their Rs and exclaiming “Marone!” on The Sopranos, except subtitles showed “Madonn’!” This is also how I found out the word “capicola” is pronounced “gabba gool” by some people.

4. Would a Sergeant outrank detectives in a Homicide squad? Let’s just say getting ranks wrong is not the most egregious behavior of the Parabellum City Police Department.

5. I saw a Doberman and Collie together in the same fenced yard while I was out walking. They seemed like an odd pair, if your brain is poisoned by ideas of one breed of dog seeming macho and another seeming girly. It seemed funny that the Collie had a deeper bark than the Doberman. After briefly forgetting where I had seen them, I finally found the original pair again and recorded them for some of the barking sounds in this episode.

Thursday, April 15, 2021

How Many - Episode 16

Comic book line art of two men shooting at each other in a darkened room. Black ink on green background.
WPBC headlines, this just in: a bullet. In my spleen. Gunman here in the studio. In just a moment we’ll bring you back to the top story about the school shooting and the capitol shooting. Will I live? Do I need a content warning for a show called “This Gun in My Hand?” Let's find out together.

How Many, episode 16 of This Gun in My Hand, was underwritten and overwritten by Rob Northrup. Visit for credits, show notes, details on how to subscribe, and to buy my books, including Little Heist in the Big Woods and Other Revisionist Atrocities. On what device do I listen to this show? This Gun in My Hand.

This episode is available on Youtube, and in audio formats other than mp3 on

Music and Sound Effects

The opening music clip was from The Sun Sets at Dawn (1950), and the closing music was from Killer Bait (1949), both films in the public domain.

Music Title: Chase Scene
License: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0

Sound effect title: Gun Fire
Recorded by GoodSoundForYou
Used under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license.
Sound Effect title: 38 Caliber Gun Shot 5x
Recorded by Mike Koenig 
Used under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license.

Sound Effect Title: Footsteps Dress Shoes Wood Floor.wav
License: Public Domain

Sound Effect Title: House Front Door Inside 3.wav
License: Public Domain 

Sound Effect Title: Cattle sale on auction in Saint Joseph, Missouri
Recorded by Felix Blume, May 2013
License: Public domain

Sound Effect Title: teletype_medium_speed.wav
By stratcat322
License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0

Sound Effect Title: R28-44-Women Screaming and Rapid Talking.wav 
License: Public Domain

The image associated with this episode is a modified comic book panel from Authentic Police Cases #13 (May 1951), public domain, pencils and inks by Matt Baker.

Show Notes

1. Teletype sound inspired by Corporate Crime Reporter Morning Minute with Russel Mohkiber. It’s the Twenty-First Century and dude is still playing that teletype sound in the background of reports to make it sound like super-legit 1970s journalism. 

2. St. Gabriel Hospital in Parabellum City is not named after the archangel but after Gabriel Possenti of Our Lady of Sorrows, who will eventually be recognized as the patron saint of hand gunners if continued lobbying efforts pay off.

3. This episode was inspired by a real incident when a tv news anchor confused footage from two different developing stories about shootings in Knoxville, TN. “I forgot about the other shooting, so this is actually live, this is not our taped footage from Austin-East high school earlier.” Who can keep up?