Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Gun Buyback - Episode 15

Why would the National Rifle Manufacturers Association host a gun buyback event? And why would the G.I. Jake team, ICE, Seal Team Six, C.O.B.R.A., robots and ponies show up to sell their guns? How much would you pay for -- This Gun in My Hand!

Gun Buyback, episode 15 of This Gun in My Hand, was manufactured and given away by Rob Northrup. Visit http://ThisGuninMyHand.blogspot.com for credits, notes, information on how to subscribe, and to buy my books, such as Little Heist in the Big Woods and Other Revisionist Atrocities. You know what would hurt worse than paying two dollars and ninety-nine cents for my short story collection? This Gun in My Hand!

This episode is available on Youtube, and in audio formats other than mp3 on archive.org.

Music and Sound Effects Credits:

The opening and middle transitional music clips were from The Sun Sets at Dawn (1950), and the closing music was from Killer Bait (1949), both films in the public domain.

Sound effect title: bustle in the pub
Public domain

Sound effect title: Gun Fire
Recorded by GoodSoundForYou
Used under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license.

Sound effect title: 38 Caliber Gun Shot 5x
Recorded by Mike Koenig 
Used under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license.

Machine gun sounds from the public domain film Commandos (1968, aka Sullivan’s Marauders).

Angina Theater fake commercial features dialog from the public domain play Hamlet, Act 2, Scene 2.

The image accompanying this episode represents a member of the G.I. Jake team, "Other Killer Who Has a Dog Named Killer." Detail from front cover of the public domain comic book Battle Attack, Vol. 1, No. 4, April 1955. Art by Eugene E. Hughes? 

Show Notes:
1. The Knights of Pythias are a real fraternal order.
2. Fran's surname “Shuwatch” is the word Ultraman occasionally shouts. I couldn’t find what it means.
3. The audio and text of This Gun in My Hand are works of fiction. Any resemblance to real people, organizations, companies, buildings, or Spanish shotgun manufacturers is coincidental or intended as satire.

Monday, March 15, 2021

Naked Save - Episode 14

What is this fantastical world Falk finds himself in? How did he come here? What happened to the World Crime Syndicate? Who’s the guy with the sword? What’s the key to unlock these riddles? This Gun in My Hand.

Naked Save, Episode 14 of This Gun in My Hand, was conjured by Rob Northrup. For show notes, credits, details on how to subscribe and to buy my books, visit http://ThisGuninMyHand.blogspot.com . What distinguishes the civilized man from the barbarian? This Gun in My Hand.

This episode is available on Youtube, and in audio formats other than mp3 on archive.org.

Music and Sound Effects Credits:

The opening and middle transitional music clips were from The Sun Sets at Dawn (1950), and the closing music was from Killer Bait (1949), both films in the public domain.

Music during the “Choplivria” ad is a modified excerpt of “Worth The Struggle,” used under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Jay Man - OurMusicBox

Thewgosh’s chanted musical sting was by me!

The four following modified clips were used under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license:

Music for “This Glaive-Guisarme in My Hand” brief musical sting was an excerpt from
Title: Prelude and Fugue No. 20 in A minor - Complete Performance
Performed By Malcolm Hamilton
The Well-Tempered Clavier, Book I, Bach, 1772

Title: Spring Peeper Frogs
By TheBoatman

Title: Traffic mel 1.wav
By malupeeters

Title: Gun Fire
Recorded by GoodSoundForYou 

Modified public domain clips:

Title: Sword sounds compilation 

Title: Sword hits the body.wav

Title: Walking in Some Leaves.wav

Title: Cow - Moo 3 - 96kHz.wav

Title: Body fall_02.wav 

Title: R12-43-Old Car Horns.wav

Modified public domain image from Out of This World No. 1 (Avon Comics, June 1950).
Pencils and inks by John Giunta. 

Show notes: 

1. Thewgosh was inspired partly by reading Thongor Against the Gods by Lin Carter. I counted at least six instances where he described the hero or some other character as “naked save for” a harness or loincloth or whatever. 

2. Thewgosh introduces himself with descriptors like Thewgosh the Wanderer, Thewgosh the Freebooter, Thewgosh the Usurper. These are all descriptors from titles of books about another sword and sorcery hero you may be familiar with. 

3. The name of the wizard “Chay-esh” is derived from Cheech Wizard, the comic character by Vaughn Bode. Yes, this is how I come up with most of my D&D and ttrpg character names.

4. Charlton Heston voice: It’s chopped liver! Choplivria is made of chopped liver!