Saturday, August 27, 2022

Eye Captain and the Wannabes of Tomorrow - Episode 63

A Caucasian man in a gray suitcoat leans over a table with a magnifying glass in his right hand, peering at an eyeball in his left palm. He wears an eyepatch over his left eye. On the table are another eyeball in a jar and a revolver.

Will Falk survive a team-up attack by The Antidisestablishmentarianist and a budding vigilante who hasn’t settled on a hero name yet? Was Stichomythia an ancient Greek hero? Listen to find out!

Eye Captain and the Wannabes of Tomorrow, episode 63 of This Gun in My Hand, was established by Rob Northrup. This episode and all others are available on Youtube with automatically-generated closed captions of dialog. Visit for credits, show notes, information on how to subscribe, and to buy my books, such as Little Heist in the Big Woods and Other Revisionist Atrocities. What’s my special power or ability? Defusing tense situations between wannabe crime-fighters. And also This Gun in My Hand!

Show Notes:
1. I missed the word “chrysanthemum” in the first round of the seventh grade spelling bee. The next speller got the word “column.” What a crock.
2. Alan previously appeared in episodes 24, 59 and 61. He played one of the four guys singing around a burning barrel in episode 44.

The opening and middle transitional music clips are from The Sun Sets at Dawn (1950), and the closing music was from Killer Bait (1949), both films in the public domain. Most of the music and sound effects used in the episode are modified or incomplete versions of the originals.

Sound Effect Title: footsteps cellar.wav
License: Public Domain

The image accompanying this episode is a modified detail of the public domain cover of Dime Mystery Magazine, Volume 35, Number 3 (October 1947). Artist unknown.

Monday, August 15, 2022

Can We Talk? - Episode 62

Black and white photo of six men and a woman crowding around a microphone with scripts in their hands. To the right and closer in the foreground are two men aiming smoking revolvers in the air and looking at scripts. Near the bottom of the picture is a control board with records on it.
Can Falk bite his tongue long enough to record a radio commercial? Was it a bad idea to get an agent? Is Stichomythia an ancient Greek hero? Listen to find out!

Can We Talk?, episode 62 of This Gun in My Hand, was garbled by Rob Northrup. This episode and all others are available on Youtube with automatically-generated closed captions of dialog. Visit for credits, show notes, information on how to subscribe, and to buy my books, such as Little Heist in the Big Woods and Other Revisionist Atrocities. What keeps this harmonica in my hand safe from those who would take it? This Gun in My Hand!

Show Notes:
1. Gary Mackinder, theatrical agent to Parabellum City’s finest crime-fighters, appeared in episodes 11 and 26, and was name-dropped in episodes 37 and 50.

2. The US Marines landed at Foochow on the China coast in 1934. 

3. The bit about drinking a complimentary glass of milk before trying to sing & perform is autobiographical. Except I was playing guitar and possibly singing back-up for my cousin Audrey at a coffee shop. Water is your best bet.

4. When they talked about “transcribed” radio shows in the 1930s, they meant recorded, not “transcribed” in the linguistic sense of a written version of some spoken event.

The opening and middle transitional music clips are from The Sun Sets at Dawn (1950), and the closing music is from Killer Bait (1949), both films in the public domain. Most of the music and sound effects used in the episode are modified or incomplete versions of the originals.

Sound Effect Title: Radio tuning-static-interference
License: Public Domain

Sound Effect Title: Punch.wav
By ztrees1
License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0

Sound Effect Title: Punch 1
License: Public Domain

Sound effect title: Hitting in a Face
License: Public Domain

Sound effect title: Punch in the face
License: Public Domain

Sound Effect Title: Cow moos
License: Public Domain

Sound effect title: bustle in the pub
License: Public Domain

Sound Effect Title: Flat Button Clicks
License: Public Domain

The image accompanying this episode is a photo of voice actors and live sound effects creators of the radio show Gang Busters recording in New York, circa 1930s. I changed the CBS sign on top of the microphone to WPBC and cropped the edges.

Friday, August 5, 2022

The Boy Who Cried What’s That Thing in Ya Hand - Episode 61

A man in a gray hat and green plaid jacket kneels to untie a boy whose arms are bound. The man says, "I don't carry a knife." The boy replies, "I could ask what you got to cut the rope, then you'd say, 'This Knife in My Hand," and you could cut 'em."
A fifth child has gone missing. Will Falk track them down before it’s too late, or discover the whole thing was a hoax? What percentage of Albanians speak Portuguese? Listen to find out!

The Boy Who Cried What’s That Thing in Ya Hand, episode 61 of This Gun in My Hand, was made up by your imaginary friend Rob Northrup. This episode and all others are available on Youtube with automatically-generated closed captions of dialog. Visit for credits, show notes, information on how to subscribe, and to buy my books, such as Little Heist in the Big Woods and Other Revisionist Atrocities. How are you going to escape from this situation, my little hog-tied pork chop? With This Gun in My Hand!

Show Notes:
1. Alan first appeared in Episode 24 at Gristle Park, and on the bus in Episode 59.

2. The abandoned grade school has been the setting for episodes 1, 3, 22 and 38. 

The opening and fake commercial music clips are from The Sun Sets at Dawn (1950), and the closing music is from Killer Bait (1949), both films in the public domain. Another brief segment of music accompanying narration is from the public domain film The Scar (1948, aka Hollow Triumph). All are modified or incomplete versions of the originals.

The image accompanying this episode is a modified detail of the cover of public domain comic book Crime Must Pay the Penalty No. 9 (August 1949), art possibly by King Ward.