Sunday, April 28, 2024

Violent Vacation with Peruvian Guns - Episode 103

Painting of the profile of a smiling man with short blond hair, outdoors, his right hand holding a dark gray fedora in front of him at about eye level. He wears a white shirt, black tie, possibly a denim coat and apron. The thumb of his left hand is in his suspenders. A folded newspaper in his coat pocket has the headline "THE HIGH HAT STRIKES." Cloudy blue skies and a trainyard can be seen in the background.
Falk walks close to the edge of crass commercialism, then gets pushed over the line. Do you have hat-related powers? Did someone steal your hat when you were young? Does it have something to do with drumming? Listen to find out!

Violent Vacation with Peruvian Guns, episode 103 of This Gun in My Hand, was crocheted by Rob Northrup. This episode and all others are available on Youtube with automatically-generated closed captions of dialog. Visit for credits, show notes, archives, and to buy my books, such as Little Heist in the Big Woods and Other Revisionist Atrocities. What keeps my ears warm? This Gun in My Hand!

For a limited time, a few items of This Gun in My Hand merchandise are available on ebay. Give me your money!

Show Notes:
1. Violent Vacation with Peruvian Nuns was a tape released by the UK skate/thrash band The Stupids in 1986. In the village where I grew up (literally, legally a “village”), I was not on the cutting edge of knowledge about hardcore punk. The only radio stations within range were top 40, oldies or country, except for a freeform college radio station from Ann Arbor. When my family took a month long road trip in maybe summer 1988, we stopped a few days in San Diego. I might have passed over this tape at the swap meet, never heard of The Stupids before, but the cover had a cartoon of a twitching guy in a wheelchair by Don Martin. Great music, problematic pseudonyms and album titles, probably problematic lyrics but who can understand what Brits are singing? And I bet they used the cartoon without paying Don Martin or Mad Magazine. Rascals!

The opening and middle transitional music clips were from The Sun Sets at Dawn (1950), and the closing music was from Killer Bait (1949), both films in the public domain. Most of the music and sound effects used in the episode are modified or incomplete versions of the originals.

Sound Effect Title: footsteps cellar.wav
License: Public Domain

Sound Effect Title:Body fall_02.wav
License: Public Domain

Sound Effect Title: Gun Fire
By GoodSoundForYou
License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0

Sound Effect Title: 38 Caliber Gun Shot 5x
Recorded by Mike Koenig
License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0

Music for commercial is from the 1938 public domain cliffhanger serial Flash Gordon’s Trip to Mars, Chapter 10.

The image accompanying this episode is a modified detail of the public domain cover of Railroad Stories (July 1937), by Emmett Watson.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Fievel Getcha Ten - Episode 102

Easy Money magazine cover. Painting of a smiling blond woman in a slinky red dress, bald man with a visor examining a dollar bill, a shady looking man in a bowler hat with a cigarette in his mouth and a slip of paper in his hat band. All of them inside the shape of a dollar sign with dice and cards around them, on a black background.

A boy stumbles into the world of vice, from pennies to billiards to pinball. Will Falk rescue him in time? Why couldn't you become a jazz singer? Listen to find out!

Fievel Getcha Ten, episode 102 of This Gun in My Hand, was diced and pinned by Rob Northrup. This episode and all others are available on Youtube with automatically-generated closed captions of dialog. Visit for credits, show notes, archives, and to buy my books, such as Little Heist in the Big Woods and Other Revisionist Atrocities. What are my stakes when I’m betting? This Gun in My Hand!

Show Notes:
1. Toon: The Cartoon Role-Playing Game by Greg Costikyan and Warren Spector includes “Chutzpah” as a character attribute.

2. The text for the fake commercial for Benzedrine Sulfate, not counting the disclaimer at the end, is taken almost verbatim from a print ad in California Western Medicine, Volume 62 (April 1945).

The opening and some of the middle music clips were from The Sun Sets at Dawn (1950), and the closing music was from Killer Bait (1949), both films in the public domain. Other music surrounding commercials came from the public domain film The Scar (aka Hollow Triumph, 1948). Most of the music and sound effects used in the episode are modified or incomplete versions of the originals.

Sound Effect Title: Old Rotary Phone Ringing - Western Electric Bell 500 phone
License: Public Domain

Sound Effect Title: old pinball.wav
By mapleleaf
License: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0

Sound Effect Title: Classic Pinball Gameplay
By theshaggyfreak
License: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0

Sound Effect Title: sw_phone_hangup.wav
By jppi_Stu
License: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0

Music title: Requiem in D minor, K. 626 - III. Sequence - Lacrymosa (For Piano - Liszt)
Performed by Markus Staab
Composed by Mozart, arranged by Liszt?
License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0

The image accompanying this episode is a modified version of the public domain cover of Easy Money, Volume 1, Number 2 (May 1936), by Charles McCann.

Friday, April 5, 2024

World of Whispers - Episode 101

Painted image of a globe with Africa, Europe and Asia pushed together. "World of Whispers" written in white script letters over the globe. From the four corners of the square image, chubby-cheeked cherubs blow visible gusts towards the center. In the background you can barely see a human figure holding the globe in its hands.

A noisy day at the park, when suddenly–it’s oh so quiet. Gunshots are muffled. Wrestling grunts are barely audible. Can Falk restore order to the soundscape? Why does that bearded guy’s costume include wings? Listen to find out!

World of Whispers, episode 101 of This Gun in My Hand, was breathed out by Rob Northrup. All episodes are available on Youtube with automatically-generated closed captions of dialog. Visit for credits, show notes, archives, and to buy my books, such as Little Heist in the Big Woods and Other Revisionist Atrocities. What keeps people quiet? This Gun in My Hand!

Show Notes:
1. One of my earliest radio plays was a group project for Creative Writing class in high school, probably 1989. My friends Jeff, Julian and I wrote a script parodying Star Trek, cobbled together from jokes we had probably absorbed reading Mad Magazine. Only five or ten minutes long, we recorded it on tape and played it in class. I’m not sure why Mr. Groesser apologized to the class afterwards, maybe because of the bad language like “Damn!” or “Bloody Hell!” At one point Jeff did the voice of a vendor at a baseball game, calling out, “peaNUTS! Popcorn!” maybe to hint at how large the ship is. I tried to recreate his delivery here. When Julian’s girlfriend heard the tape, she asked what girl we had cast for the voice of Uhura. She wouldn’t believe I had done it. No effects software to raise the pitch, I did it all in the delivery.

2. Whispering Wind and Blessed Day (aka Muckbang, aka Peatboom) first appeared in episode 60, “Hush, Sweet Zildjian.”

The opening music clip was from The Sun Sets at Dawn (1950), and the closing music was from Killer Bait (1949), both films in the public domain. Most of the music and sound effects used in the episode are modified or incomplete versions of the originals.

Sound Effect Title: Park ambience - mostly birds
License: Public Domain

Sound Effect Title: Organ_grinder_paris1.aiff, Organ_grinder_paris2.aiff
By milo
License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0

Sound Effect Title: kids_playing_oct2020.WAV
License: Public Domain

Music Title: Hail to the Spirit of Liberty
Composed by John Philip Sousa
Performed by The United States Marine Band
License: Public Domain

Sound Effect Title: Machine gun.wav
By CGEffex
License: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0

Sound Effect Title: lancaster bomber.wav
By confusion_music
License: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0

Sound Effect Title: Explosion 2
License: Public Domain

Sound Effect Title: Kicking/Forcing/Breaking Wooden Door
License: Public Domain

Sound Effect Title: footsteps cellar.wav
License: Public Domain

Sound Effect Title: S20-30 Pistol shots with silencer.wav
License: Public Domain

Sound Effect Title: Silenced Gun Firing - gunshots
License: Public Domain

Sound Effect Title: clang.wav
By kwahmah_02
License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0

Sound Effect Title: R09-75-Series of Falls on Wooden Floor.wav
License: Public Domain

Sound Effect Title: Metal hit with dull ringouts
By Artninja
License: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0

Sound Effect Title: Ambience - European city park - morning - birds - light wind.wav
License: Public Domain

The image accompanying this episode is a modified detail of the cover of Fantastic Adventures, Volume 10, Number 5 (May 1948) by Robert Gibson Jones; combined with a detail from Autant en emporte le vent, Anonymous, 1815, both in public domain.