Thursday, August 22, 2024

Cut Down in His Prime - Episode 111

Painted pulp novel cover. A young man with red hair stands with his thumb up to hitch a ride. He wears a white button-down shirt with sleeves rolled up. There's a rip on the chest. He holds a reddish-brown jacket thrown over his shoulder and wears dark gray pants. The background is a collage of different scenes: railroad tracks, two cars crashed next to an electric pole, a small country gas station. On the left side it says "CUT DOWN IN HIS PRIME" and in smaller letters near the bottom, "COMPLETE & UNABRIDGED."

Falk misses! Who is The Loner? What are you, some kind of Rambling Man? A Wanderer? You find a dead body there, fella? Every day you find another body? Listen to find out!

This episode was Cut Down in His Prime, episode 111 of This Gun in My Hand, found on the side of a dusty road and dusted off by Rob Northrup. Like all other episodes, this one is available on Youtube with automatically-generated closed captions of dialog. Visit for credits, show notes, archives, and to buy my books, such as Little Heist in the Big Woods and Other Revisionist Atrocities. Why are so many people alone in this town? This Gun in My Hand!

Show Notes:
1. I think it still counts as illegal breaking and/or entering if a door is unlocked, maybe even if the door is ajar. Or maybe that’s vampire rules, entering without an invitation. While we’re debunking legal myths, you can ask an undercover cop if they’re a cop, they are not required by law to tell you. And declaring yourself a “sovereign citizen” is not One Weird Trick to convince cops or prosecutors that their laws don’t apply to you.

The opening music clip was from The Sun Sets at Dawn (1950), and the closing music was from Killer Bait (1949), both films in the public domain. Most of the music and sound effects used in the episode are modified or incomplete versions of the originals.

Sound Effect Title: S31-16 Tommy gun busts; machine gun.wav
License: Public Domain

Sound Effect Title: Gun Fire
By GoodSoundForYou
License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0

Sound Effect Title: Footsteps on gravel
By Joozz

Sound Effect Title: Traffic mel 1.wav
By malupeeters

Sound Effect Title: Squeaky Car Door
License: Public Domain

Sound Effect Title: Car_motor_Sound.m4a
License: Public Domain

Sound Effect Title: Door knocking
License: Public Domain

Sound Effect Title: Body fall in grass CLOSE.mp3
By J.Zazvurek
License: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 

The image accompanying this episode is a modified detail of the cover of the paperback novel Road Kid by Howard Pease, published in 1953, and I hope the cover is public domain. Artist unknown.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

This Gun Is My Hand - Episode 110

Painting of a young man in beige military uniform, maybe American or British circa 1930s. He stands between an old radio with exposed tubes and a console with steering wheel, possibly an airship or rocket. He lifts one arm to shield himself from what's coming at him from the viewscreen or window, a huge fist aiming a huge pistol at him. Caption in the lower right says "THIS GUN IS MY HAND."

After talking to a shady booker for a shortwave station, Falk’s body doesn’t seem to work like it used to. Will Falk’s gun still fire? When did he take off his shirt? Who won the story seed contest? Listen to find out!

This Gun Is My Hand, episode 110 of This Gun in My Hand, was ushered into this world by Rob Northrup. This episode and all others are available on Youtube with automatically-generated closed captions of dialog. Visit for credits, show notes, archives, and to buy my books, such as Little Heist in the Big Woods and Other Revisionist Atrocities. How can you tell I’ve grown attached to firearms? This Gun is My Hand!

Show Notes:
1. I was confusing Roger Corman (born 1926) with David Cronenberg (born 1943). Corman would have been 14 in 1939. Cronenberg would have been a smile on his mother’s lips and a twinkle in his father’s eye.
2. Ms. Harriet’s lullaby is derived from The Creed of a United States Marine, aka The Rifleman’s Creed.
3. You might appreciate this episode more after watching twelve seasons of the delightful BBC series Call the Midwife. Sadly my local library doesn’t have season thirteen yet so I can’t vouch for that one.

The opening and middle transitional music clips were from The Sun Sets at Dawn (1950), and the closing music was from Killer Bait (1949), both films in the public domain. Most of the music and sound effects used in the episode are modified or incomplete versions of the originals.

Sound Effect Title: NOISE-PINK-10VU.wav
License: Public Domain

Sound Effect Title: Police Radio Chatter.wav
License: Public Domain 

Sound Effect Title: Real Colt 45 M1911 (shot)
By Carmelomike
License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0

Sound Effect Title: Slam door.MP3
License: Public Domain

Sound Effect Title: 220531 Fly buzzing in window, short, R-07
License: Public Domain

Sound Effect Title: Fly at Window
License: Public Domain

Sound Effect Title: Pouring Soup in a Metal Pan - Quick,Short,Gross
by Hitrison
License: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0

Sound Effect Title: Squishing.wav
License: Public Domain

Sound Effect Title: Burp 8
License: Public Domain

Sound Effect Title: Broken Egg Squelch
License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0

Sound Effect Title: Crying newborn baby child 2.WAV
License: Public Domain 

Sound Effect Title: 1911 Pistol Cocking
License: Public Domain

Sound Effect Title: Glock 19 Handgun Pistol Slide Cocking Sounds
License: Public Domain

Sound Effect Title: AR15 M4 Gun Hardware Magazine Movement Sounds
License: Public Domain

The image accompanying this episode is a combination of the following public domain artworks:
1. The cover of New Detective magazine, Volume 8, Number 4 (July 1946). Not sure of the artist.
2. The cover of Argosy Weekly, Volume 230, Number 6 (July 2, 1932), art by Robert Graef.

Saturday, August 3, 2024

They Can't All Be Bangers - Episode 109

Line art comic book panel of a man slumped over the top of a coffin at the bottom of a grave. A shovel is stuck in the ground beside him. A bare tree limb and wisp of fog obscure the moon. A headstone above the grave reads "THEY CAN'T ALL BE BANGERS."

How will Falk track down a grave robbing killer with special guest star Patsy Kelly in tow and his narrator on strike? Listen to find out!

They Can’t All Be Bangers, episode 109 of This Gun in My Hand, was banged together by Rob Northrup. This episode and all others are available on Youtube with automatically-generated closed captions of dialog. Visit for credits, show notes, archives, and to buy my books, such as Little Heist in the Big Woods and Other Revisionist Atrocities. How do I produce consistent bangers? With This Gun in My Hand!

Show Notes:
1. Anecdote time! My uncle had a sheep named Hajji which butted me to the ground when I was 8 or 10. I don’t know if that’s standard behavior for sheep or if his was just a jerk. Probably named after the hero of the 1954 movie The Adventures of Hajji Baba.

2. I was reminded of the “transplanted body part with mind of its own” trope when listening to an episode of the old time radio show Murder at Midnight, episode titled “The Dead Hand,” originally broadcast on September 16, 1946.

3. The audio and text of This Gun in My Hand are works of fiction. Any references to historical events, real people, real cartoonists or real places are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places and events are products of the author's imagination, and any resemblance to actual events or places or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

The opening and middle transitional music clips were from The Sun Sets at Dawn (1950), and the closing music was from Killer Bait (1949), both films in the public domain. Most of the music and sound effects used in the episode are modified or incomplete versions of the originals.

Music Title for “Astral Police” bit: Streets of Valencia
Composed and performed by John Bartmann
License: Public Domain

Sound Effect Title: Traffic mel 1.wav
By malupeeters
License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0

Sound Effect Title: footsteps cellar.wav
License: Public Domain

Sound Effect Title: Collision.wav
License: Public Domain

Sound Effect Title: Footsteps Dress Shoes Wood Floor.wav
License: Public Domain

Sound Effect Title: storm door slam 01.wav
By volivieri
License: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0

Sound Effect Title: R01-05-Sheep Bleating.wav
License: Public Domain

Sound Effect Title: Real Colt 45 M1911 (shot)
By Carmelomike
License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0

Sound Effect Title: R12-43-Old Car Horns.wav
License: Public Domain

Sound Effect Title: land.wav
License: Public Domain

Sound Effect Title: G28-27-Crowd Fast Walla Applause.wav
License: Public Domain

Sound Effect Title: R10-56-Footsteps on Metal Staircase.wav
License: Public Domain

Sound Effect Title: Car_motor_Sound.m4a
License: Public Domain

Sound Effect Title: Squeaky Car Door
License: Public Domain

Sound Effect Title: Car_Stop_Breaks_Screech_Engine-Rev_by-monnie101.mp4.WAV
License: Public Domain

Sound Effect Title: audi a4 b8 20tdi update engine set1 idle acceleration early gear shifting mono.wav
By Soundholder
License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0

Sound Effect Title: R03-19-Old Auto Tire Skid.wav
License: Public Domain

Sound Effect Title: 220517 metal garbage can banging falling crashing
License: Public Domain

Sound Effect Title: Door knocking
License: Public Domain

The image accompanying this episode is a modified detail of a panel from the public domain comic book Web of Evil, Number 17 (August 1954), penciled by Charles Nicholas.