Monday, January 27, 2025

Certainly No Angels - Episode 122

Black and white comic book line art collage of people in different settings committing crimes. At top is a crying woman with torn shirt pointing to four men in a police line-up. In a circular center image, a man in suit and tie fires a Tommygun. In the lower left is a close up of a man's face looking distressed. Along the bottom, a man leans out of the passenger door of a car leaning in a ditch, firing a pistol at several police. In the lower right, a woman in a beret fires a pistol at a man who's flinching as if he's been hit.

Can Falk persuade a string of villains to change their ways? How can you avoid entanglements with your secretary? Would you like to wrestle now? Listen to find out!

Certainly No Angels, episode 122 of This Gun in My Hand, was certified angular by Rob Northrup. This episode and all others are available on Youtube with automatically-generated closed captions of dialog. Visit for credits, show notes, archives, and to buy my books, such as Sisyphus, Eat Your Heart Out, available in paperback and ebook from Amazon. What do I use to put the boom in the boiler room? This Gun in My Hand!

Show Notes:
1. Would a gray-on-gray costume fit with a “summer” seasonal color palette? It’s possible that Writer’s Brick doesn’t know what he’s talking about.

The opening and some transitional music was from The Sun Sets at Dawn (1950), and the closing music was from Killer Bait (1949), both films in the public domain. Transitional music around the commercial and the “Writer’s Brick” musical sting were from the June 9, 1946 episode of the public domain radio show US Steel Hour of Mystery. Most of the music and sound effects used in the episode are modified or incomplete versions of the originals.

Music Title: Lobby Time
By Kevin MacLeod (
License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0

Sound Effect Title: footsteps cellar.wav
License: Public Domain

Sound Effect Title: Gun Fire
By GoodSoundForYou
License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0

Sound Effect Title: mechanical alarm clock
License: Public Domain

Sound Effect Title: S18-13 Explosion with falling debris.wav by craigsmith
License: Public Domain 

Sound Effect Title: R12-02-Large Explosions.wav by craigsmith
License: Public Domain 

The image accompanying this episode is a modified detail of the inside cover of the public domain comic book Police Lineup Number 1 (August 1951), art by Wally Wood.

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